

Highland stealth competition rod

The Highland Stealth was designed by competitive fly anglers to be exceptionally light, soft tipped, with can incredibly strong butt section. 

Patent Pending Handle with proprietary materials designed to amplify vibration rather absorb. You will literally feel every item on the stream bottom while drifting your nymphs with incredible sensitivity.

See Highland Rod Co. Pro Staffer and National Champion Competitive Fly Angler Michael Bradley fishing the Highland Stealth for the first time in heavy flows on 7x tippet!


You will not find a lighter, more balanced fly rod in the market period.
Available in 10ft 3WT and 10ft 2WT models.

Brief Introductory Retail Price  $495


Best Guarantee in the industry!

We offer the guarantee that you would design yourself. We replace any section of your rod for a flat $75 which includes shipping! No questions asked! This truly could be the last fly rod you will ever need.

No detail left out

This rod was designed to change the fly fishing game. With a rod tip designed so soft that finer tippets up to 10x can be used without sacrificing accuracy, paired with a butt section strong enough to turn larger fish, this rod has revolutionized the world of fly fishing!

The strength of this lightweight rod will shock you!

Made in the USA!

Click here to find a dealer or purchase now

"Awesome all around rod! If you are looking for a nymphing rod that can hold its own against rods more than twice its price, the Gladiator is for you. Having caught multiple trout over 20" on the Gladiator, it brings big fish to the net with ease while the soft tip has no problem protecting 7x tippet."
David Braun
Competitive Fly Angler